How to Form a League

Why Build A League?
Leagues are formed by friends, co-workers, club members, church members, or just about any other group of people that you can think of.

Bowling together builds friendships, morale, communication, team work, understanding, and is just plain fun.

How to Get Started Recruiting a Team or League

  • Choose a “cheer leader” to recruit teams
  • Advertise in your organizations' newsletter or intranet
  • Fliers or posters in your break room or other area where members congregate
  • Find at least 4 people who want to have fun together
  • Consider sponsoring all or part of the team
  • Buy team shirts Subsidize fees

How much does it cost?
That depends on if you form your own league or join an existing league. Generally the cost is between $13 - $17 per person per week, which includes bowling fees and contribution to prize funds. Some leagues are as little as $10 per week, but do not include much prize money.

People say they don’t have enough time.
Find or create a “shorty” league that goes for less than the traditional 36 weeks. Some leagues go for 12-16 weeks. Rule of thumb, a league should go at least the number of weeks as number of teams – 12 teams – 12weeks – so each team gets the chance to play each other at least once.

People say they aren't good bowlers
Choose to create or join a handicapped league. Sunset Bowl’s staff takes care of doing all the paper work and calculations for handicapping each player. This levels the playing field and allows many different skill levels to compete. Consider group bowling lessons. If you spread the cost between several people, it is very affordable.

What about my family members?
Bring them along! Bowling is fun for all ages and a great way for parents and children to do something active together.

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